PlayStation 5 DS Controller Repair
I Provide Drifting Controller Repairs for PS5
1 Pair of GuliKit TMR Joysticks for your PS5 DS Controller is the way forward with no drift...
Drifting Joystick on Your PS5 Controller
The GuliKit TMR Non-Drift Hall Effect replacement Joysticks are specifically designed to fit the PS5 DualSense Controllers. TMR (Tunneling Magneto Resistance) technology joysticks offer lower power consumption (0.1-0.3mA), better temperature stability, and a longer lifespan. Approved and Tested by (WGIT) and also tested by many other Tech/Engineers as seen on YouTube and other media platforms, WANT TO KNOW MORE
Want to buy and Install yourself Click Here
What All Gamers Should Know
All Game Consoles need maintenance. This is due to dust particles and the end of life in thermal core products which leads to overheating and stress on other components including the APU and there's a good rule to go by. If it gets hot, has a fan and the fan becomes very high then book it in for a Core Service or you risk breakage. Click Here For More
Fan Modification for your PS5
Want a cooler running console
You can do more than just Core Servicing, you can Mod up your Fan. This Modification will increase cooling on your APU which will increase the lifespan of your Core Thermal Product and the rest of the internal components. This in turn keeps the whole Console cooler which is good for you, your console and your wallet. WANT TO KNOW MORE
Better Efficient Cooling